April 20 – May 20
Element: Earth
Quality: Fixed
Ruling house: Second
Ruling planets: Venus
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. Its earthy quality makes it a fixed, rather stubborn sign, geared towards safety, both emotionally and financially. Taurus people tend to indulge in whatever they like for too long.
Taurus is ruled by planet Venus, the planet of love, affection and pleasure. The exaggerated Venus accounts for impulse shopping, money carelessness and a way to “paint the future in pink’ which, of course, it never realizes.
Luxury and indulgence is something that is very appealing to a Taurean personality and it’s very likely to see natives of this sign experiencing this at various stages of their lives, with various intensities. Money is not a mean to an end, for them, it’s something that, to a certain point, validates their life experience. It’s not that they’re obsessed with it, but they’re considering it an important factor in evaluating life entirely, relationships or persons.
The good side of this is, of course, the proverbial stubbornness, that most of the time, is translated into loyalty and reliability. Once a Taurus has set course on some direction, it’s very difficult to led him or her astray. And it’s not a blind stubbornness, but a very strong mental power that is applied to all the necessary measures to reach to the goal.
Emotionally speaking, although they’re considered to be rather dull and flat, that’s not always the case. They’re expressing their feelings in a rather slow way, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings. On the contrary, once their emotional compass is set on someone, the chosen partner should be rather happy about that.
In its more balanced setups, a Taurus personality will make for a great and stable partner, a supportive friend and a reliable colleague.
Taurus rules the second house of the zodiac.
Planets in Taurus – natal
Sun Moon Venus Mercury Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
Planets in Taurus – transit
Sun Moon Venus Mercury Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
Planets in Taurus – synastry
Sun Moon Venus Mercury Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto