

With Uranus, we enter the “transpersonal” planets area. Until recently, traditional astrology only knew about planets until Saturn and took into consideration only those celestial bodies. Technological advancement made possible to see much farther planets, like Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Because of the time taken to revolve around the Sun (dozens or hundreds of years) these planets influences are usually interpreted at the generational level (people born in the same year will have, virtually, all the transpersonal planets in the same sign).

In modern astrology, Uranus represents disruptive change, extreme novelty, electric attraction and the forward-looking attitude. Often perceived as the higher octave of Mercury, Uranus is also ruling the higher mind, but more on the esoteric, out of the world plane. Wherever is placed in one’s natal chart, Uranus will bring disruptive change.

Actions of Uranus are often defined as “destroy to create”, and, as such, they tend to be received with a bit of tension. Whenever Uranus is doing something, it’s better to bend with the wind of change, trying to oppose Uranian energies will be futile.

Because of that, Uranus tends to be feared, or at least to be associated with a lot of instability. What needs to be taken into account is the fact that all changes brought by Uranus, although hurtful in the beginning, will eventually have a beneficial outcome.

Uranus rules the signs of Aquarius.


Uranus in Signs

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Uranus in Houses

First House Second House Third House Fourth House Fifth House Sixth House Seventh House Eighth House Ninth House Tenth House Eleventh House Twelfth House

Uranus in synastry

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

First House Second House Third House Fourth House Fifth House Sixth House Seventh House Eighth House Ninth House Tenth House Eleventh House Twelfth House