Retrograde Venus In Natal Chart

Retrograde Venus in a natal chart can create real problems. I know that from experience: it happens that my natal Venus is retrograde in Scorpio. And, to make things even more interesting, it sits in my tenth house. But we’ll get back to that later.

If you read the description of Venus from this site, you know already this:

In astrology, Venus represents the love, pure and simple, refinement, the tendency to indulge. In a natal chart, Venus shows how we approach relationships, generally speaking, as well as what gives as pleasure.

Well, when all this goes retrograde (read: “twisted, deepened, karmic tainted”) things can go several ways.

The first, and the most popular interpretation, is that Venus carries on karmic lessons about misunderstood love. The native had a hard time experiencing love, which, again, could manifested in various forms. It may be that he or she was hurt too much and, in time, grew some protection walls, some self-defense mechanisms which, in order to avoid wounds, prevented love in its entirety to reach in. These are the shy, the fearful, the people who are running away at the first sign of intimacy, or at the smallest request for commitment. They’re often mistaken as being emotionally amputated, when, in fact, they long for emotional closeness, only the wounds they still carry are not yet healed. Among them, though, there are some which are actually emotionally cold. Their “feeling reserves” drained out, their inner emotional field is a desert. These are usually people who are not afraid of intimacy, but who are also not capable of giving anything back at the emotional level. They relate, but in a cold, flat way. Again, it’s not that they don’t want to relate emotionally, but their retrograde Venus indicate a karmic baggage that completely consumed them in another life.

The second interpretation is that people who have Venus retrograde abused love, one way or another. They either created strong attachments, or took advantage of their partners somehow. Either way, their love was mixed up with some use and abuse of the other person. These natives usually go from failed relationship to failed relationship, in an unconscious attempt to relive and to solve their internal problem. Very often,  they’re subject to direct abuse in public, in one form of another.

Another manifestation of retrograde Venus is what we usually cal low self-esteem. Because of their inability to understand and internalize love, these natives not only show signs of coldness towards other people, but also towards themselves. Remember that retrograde Venus tells a story about love, about passion, so natives with this sign usually carry a beautiful posture, they’re good looking. But if you ask them how they feel about themselves they’ll blow you away with their insecurity and bad self-opinion. If there’s a strong hit from Saturn, problems can transform in real psychological traumas and natives usually need therapy, or some sort of constant healing activity.

Overcoming Retrograde Venus Effects

Ok, I know this sounds pretty scary, and, to some extent, believe me, it really is. But every problem has a solution. Or, how some friend of mine used to say: I don’t see problems, only lessons. So, how could one understand retrograde Venus’ lesson and how can we minimize its painful effects?

First of all, if you know you have Venus retrograde in your chart please create this habit: whenever you enter into a relationship, try to breathe first for 5 seconds. I’m kidding, but I guess you got my point. The idea is that every relationship is a lesson for you, more than it is for other people. And, for that, you should be at least very aware (if not circumspect) of what are you going to embrace. Or, in other words, make sure you have more awareness directed towards your relationships than you usually do.

Second, try to surround yourself with beauty. And I mean it. Even if you don’t understand art (chances are, with a retrograde Venus, that you really don’t) surround yourself with nice objects. Read on about matching colors, about proportions, try to create a balanced space. You’re far more affected than other persons by the lack of (or the excess of, for what matters) beauty around you.

Third, learn to accept. Among all soft spots we have, love is the most sensitive and that’s where you have to take some hits. Growing a thick skin is not an option here, on the contrary. And this process will be rather painful. But one thing that will really help you go through it with minimum loss will be acceptance: prepare yourself for anything, don’t make plans, don’t create attachments, let go of the things or persons that don’t really matter in your life, no matter how hard it will look in the first few days.

Retrograde Venus In Scorpio, Tenth House

As I said, my own testimonial about retrograde Venus in Scorpio, in the Tenth house. I know gazillions of people. I really do. But I seldom get intimate with any of them. I’m socially aware, but I don’t like being in the public spot. Although I’m an entrepreneur for more than 14 years now, I always had a hard time asking for money in exchange of my work. I know, it sounds incredible, but believe me, that’s how it is.

On the personal level I entered too hastily in many relationship, some of which became really painful really soon. But, somehow, each and every one of these relationships proved to be useful to me. Not pleasant, but useful. They helped me become a better partner.

And when it comes to love, I can confirm: yes, Venus in Scorpio means love is actually on the same level with obsession for me. Now, I’ve said it. 🙂



Retrograde Mercury

Mercury represents intelligence, thoughts, mind activity. It also deals with money, commerce and travel. When retrograde, interesting things happens…

Many people think retrogradation is something dangerous. Even ancient astrology still states pretty often that retrogradation is a state of aggression and peril. In my experience, this is not true. In fact, in my experience, retrogradation performed mostly like an amplifier than a road-block. Even in my natal chart, where I have 2 retrograde planets (Venus and Saturn) this proved to be true. I’m not a social animal, but I am exposed to a lot of new social experiences, and I am not a humble and sad person, but I do like tests and challenges. My Venus is just different but also powerful, and so is my Saturn.

When retrograde, Mercury creates a space for innovation. Ideas, intuitions sudden “a-ha” moments are favored during this interval. But regular activities, the types that goes from point A to point B are not likely to happen smoothly. Mercury energies are turned inside, they are not supporting outside, connecting activities. During retrograde Mercury I had the most unusual, yet productive ideas in my entire life, but also went over most of my deadlines.

Money is another delicate topic during a retrograde Mercury. You can’t really have it. Even if you do have constant access to enough money this retrogradation will bring some limitations. It’s like Mercury puts a hold on your money in order to think how it can create more. I felt a constant shortage sensation during retrograde Mercury although I didn’t really have any financial problem. Starting projects is another great activity during a retrograde Mercury. In fact, this blog was started exactly on a retrograde Mercury interval and I’m sure it shows. I’m sure it will be a useful blog for anybody interested in astrology or alternative perspectives, but I’m also sure it will take some time to get there. There is always a pretty important danger of mistake when Mercury is going backwards.

Things To Avoid On A Retrograde Mercury

Although it’s not an exhaustive list, here are some of the things I usually avoid when Mercury is retrograde:  
excessive thinking
dealing closely with money problems, budgeting
signing contracts
selling or buying important assets
starting important new relationships

Things To Do On A Retrograde Mercury

evaluating past projects
artistic and fun activities
drafting plans
jotting ideas and brainstorming

Retrograde Saturn

Many people misunderstand Saturn. Traditional astrology used this good / bad planet dichotomy in order to describe planets and somehow, this dichotomy passed to modern astrologers too. Nothing is good or bad in itself. Everything is a function of your consciousness.

Among all the bad planets, Saturn has the reputation of being the worse. If Saturn has bad aspects in a chart, the regular interpretation is that that person will have a very difficult life. Wrong again. Difficult or easy are again functions of consciousness.

Retrograde Saturn In Taurus

In my natal chart, I have a retrograde Saturn in Taurus, in the 4th House. There is also an opposition aspect between my Saturn, and a stellium formed by Sun, Venus and Jupiter, in the 10th House in Scorpio. And my Ascendant is Capricorn, which will make Saturn the ruler of the chart.

Almost every astrological interpretation told me something really bad about this aspect. Sadness, melancholy, difficult tasks and inhibitions. Most of them were accurate, but at a potential level. I admit I had some inhibitions and also some very difficult tests during my life. But I don’t think I’m the only one. Everybody have those at some point.

Since I learned astrology, several years ago, I focused a lot on my natal chart, trying to learn as much as I can. And slowly, I started to take some distance from the established astrological interpretations and start my own, based on my own personal experience.

Saturn in Taurus is an extremely careful observer of your general wealth. Even since I was out of high school I was very dedicate to work. I had this need of being on my own, independent. I started to work from the first day I was out of home, while doing my studies. I was disciplined and ambitious in work. Slowly, in the last 20 years, I accumulated far more than I ever imagined.

During this period, I was rather melancholic and modest. Although I had some money, I was always shy in spending it. I also had difficult time to adjust to a wealthier lifestyle: a new house, a new, luxury car, etc. But I did it. So, the interpretation is: you may feel it will be difficult to acquire wealth and financial security (Saturn inhibitions), but if you stick to it (Saturn tenacity) you’ll do it extremely well (Saturn, the reward maker).

That is something that worth a second look: Saturn – the reward maker. A lot of astrologers are thinking at Saturn as the test maker, which is of course true. But they are ignoring this side, which is also part of it: the reward maker. if you passed the test, you’ll receive a reward, right. In this regard, Saturn is by far the best thing that can happen to you. It’s not the jovial expansion of Jupiter, nor the energy of Mars or the luxury of Venus. It’s plain good stuff, constant and solid. You just have to pass the tests.

Retrograde Saturn In 4th House

4ht House is associated with roots, parents and family (in the sense of older members of it). Having a Saturn there was a difficult situation, especially when I was a child. I always had this feeling of not being loved, of being ignored or having too many restrictions. It was not a feeling, it was a reality.

I had a difficult teenage period, far more difficult than any other teenage (now I’m complaining, and making it bigger than it was, another Saturn effect 🙂 ). But it served me well. I developed a sense of inner stability and independence. Another aspect in my chart favored the choice of unfit partners in my love affairs. It was a karmic aspect, something that I expected to do in this lifetime. Every love affair I was involved in had a deceptive aspect, usually extremely powerful.

Saturn in the 4th house made it easy for me to find inner stability. After each of these experiences I grew up stronger and wiser. I can even have glimpse of the current development of any potential relationship, thanks to the experience transcended by Saturn. I can predict that I am attracted to trouble makers and I know how to avoid that. And I can also spot fruitful relationships and pursue them, but with the sense of discretion and diplomacy that Saturn imposes.

It was hurtful? Yes, it was, and sometime still is. But I have the power to endure and to learn. I am grateful that I was exposed to such difficult experiences because out of those experiences are coming my best life lessons.